The added bonus is that I have a small stand I set out near the road. Any extra seedlings that I do not use or share with others will find their way out to that stand and hopefully pay for the seed packet. Incidentally, it is a rare occasion when I plant ALL the seeds in the packet in one season, thus my seeds last for several seasons. I order heirloom varieties whenever possible as well. What this means is that I know the seeds will be true to the plant I harvest them from, so I can save seed and no longer have a need to buy more. This is not the case with hybrid seeds that have been crossed and are not likely to produce "true" seed.
Additionally, whenever possible, I choose organic seed over conventional. This, too, gives me an advantage. Since I sow them in organic seed starter soil, these seedlings will be truly organic and can then be sold and distributed as such. It also clears my conscience with regard to the quality and health of the produce. SO! Growing my own produce from plants I start myself makes my grocery bill MUCH smaller year round.
Along with produce, I also began growing my own herbs. Last year we planted a multi level container full of assorted herbs and were thrilled with the results. (Incidentally, I picked up this container from where it was being stored for the winter- my mother's pole barn - to discover that the rosemary had survived the winter, as had the thyme and, evidently, the parsley. BONUS!) I am starting a number of herbs from seed this year, but I have also recently learned to take cuttings to further augment my harvest and available plant surplus. I read a blog about multiplying your herb harvest a couple weeks ago and became rather inspired. Many herbs respond well to rooting in water from cuttings, while others root well in soil with the application of a touch of rooting hormone dust. As I read the article, I remembered having some leftover organic mint in the refrigerator that I had picked up on clearance at Kroger for making mojitos with. Out of curiosity, I retrieved it and stripped the lower leaves. I set the little pieces in a little bottle on the windowsill and in just days, tiny white roots were apparent. EVERY cutting rooted.
I have made a habit recently of picking up another often marked down item at Kroger. They regularly mark down floral bouquets. Every time I stop in, I look to see what is marked down. I always limit my self to less than 3 dollars and am never disappointed. Here is what I put together this last week.
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