We went to our local farm supply store and purchased 6 Isa Brown Pullets. They were labelled as pullets and I consequently paid more for them. Isa Browns are super reliable layers, generally putting out an egg a day when they are in lay. In fact, they are the bird commercial egg producers use for the brown eggs you see in the grocery store. They were not my first choice in breeds though, but as the store informed me that this was the last shipment they were to receive this season, I decided to go ahead and get them since I would likely not have a chance at any other breeds. Given that they were already sexed (I knew they were all female, as opposed to buying chicks from a "straight run" that could be male or female), I felt it was a good idea to pick up six. We raised them for a few weeks and started to notice significant differences in their coloring. Isa Browns can range a bit in color so I didn't think much of it. I simply enjoyed having my babies to look after and watching them grow was fun! Looking at this picture (above) from the day I brought them home, I see the color variations, but I attributed it then to the variation found in Isas.
Consequently, I was not really able to choose my chicks as I would have liked to. In the past, I was allowed to pick up the birds, to evaluate them by feel and appearance for health and vigor before taking them home. This is no longer the case, as there is a new policy in place from their corporate office, so I hoped for the best. I purchased three of what were labelled as Black Sex Link Pullets. As you can see, one is not like the others.
When I brought the new babies home, I took a look into the brooder with the first batch of chicks and noticed something startling. A Cockerel! That's right, a young rooster staring back at me. I have apparently been in such a rush, primarily checking food and water and overall health when I look in on the babies, I hadn't noticed one of my "pullets" developing a comb and waddle. This is a problem, as I am not allowed to have a rooster where I live. Secondly, I paid more to get sexed females.
That brings me back to Houston (as in "Houston, we have a problem). Mom dubbed him with this moniker and I agree with it. I can not keep a rooster. The township is very fussy about me keeping birds in the first place. There is a minimum requirement of five acres of land to have any animals considered to be livestock. Shockingly, this even includes rabbits. Since I do not have five acres, I have an exception to have my flock. Given that the township supervisor lives directly across the street from me, I choose not to rock the boat with a rooster. He could complain and revoke my right to have the girls. That would be cause for me to move, likely. I would not stand for that. So, what to do with Houston? When I ended up with Sterling, my rooster from last year, I knew someone who could and would take him. Houston, however, is not so lucky. Do we grow him out and have him in a stew when he gets to be of age? No. Of course not. Mom has been kicking around the idea of having a small flock of chickens or guineas for some time now. This has given her the motivation to get looking for a suitable coop. She will likely then acquire a couple pullets for him to grow up with and keep as his own. She grew up on a farm and has, for some time, had a longing to keep a few birds of her own.
As I said, no part of this has gone as planned, but it really seems to be working out for the best. I will continue to watch my babies speed along through their development and enjoy having them small and cuddly while it lasts. Then they will move to their new coop area and learn the adult ways of chickenhood from the rest of the flock. Before I know it, they will be repaying me with nutritious and delicious eggs!
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