So there I stand, completely smitten with these little peepers, thinking about all the things they require. Special food dishes, water dishes, a heat lamp, a brooder enclosure, bedding, and chick food. Wait.....I have all that. All I need is the food.... I guess I should take some home then! My flock isn't getting any younger and soon they will slack off laying and I may even lose a few. These won't be laying till fall, so it will work out perfect. Now here I am....proud mother to a half dozen new babies. 4 are pullets (guaranteed girls) of assorted red breeds, and 2 are of a straight run (gender not determined) of mixed laying breeds. Oh my goodness are they ever cute.
After a brief scramble to dust off the equipment and set up their area... I headed out to the garden to attempt to cross off some of my very long to-do list for today. I did manage to get some planting done. I picked up celery, red cabbage, and brussels sprouts at the Milan mill today, so I got those planted as well as those healed potatoes from the other day (Yukon Gold), white cabbage, sweet onions, 3 rows of peas, broccoli, and cauliflower. It got cold quickly, so I gave up without planting the remaining peas and onions, but I felt good about what I did accomplish. I was worried that I wouldn't accomplish anything after deciding to get the chicks, but I did well. I am already enjoying them so much, and now I will be assured that the layers I add to the flock are healthy, well cared for and well tempered. There are always risks to the existing flock when you add birds raised by other people. I am eliminating that risk by raising them myself.
This is the first time I have ever raised chicks, so I am excited to document their journey into adulthood and see what lessons there are to learn in the process!
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